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  • Writer's pictureMohana Gopinath

Creamy Avocado Pasta!

Honestly, every time I try to maintain an upload schedule, everything goes awry and it doesn’t work. Why 2020? Why?!

This year might be absolutely awful, but one thing I’m thankful for right now are avocados. I’ve already shared my guacamole and ice cream recipes with you, and today I have one more that is absolutely delicious.

Since I haven’t nerded out about avocados yet, here goes: avocados can help to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. They’re also very rich in vitamins and minerals. And even though most of the calories in avocados come from fat, they’re healthy, beneficial fats that keep you satiated for longer. The more I read up on the health benefits of avocados, the more I realised they’re just amazing for overall health. So eat up, and enjoy!

It’s also no secret that avocados make a great vegan ingredient in a variety of dishes. I attempted to apply the same principle in this pasta. But it isn’t vegan because I proceeded to dump a whole lot of Parmesan cheese in the pan and on top. However, if you leave out the cheese, or use a vegan alternative, this recipe can easily turn into a wonderfully creamy vegan pasta dish!

I used pipe rigate for this recipe because it was what I had available. It worked beautifully because pipe rigate is a hollow curved type of pasta that has a wide opening on one end and a flattened opening on the other so it is mostly closed. This, along with the ridges on its surface, makes it a wonderful pasta to accompany a creamy pasta sauce. The sauce clings to the surface, and fills up each piece of pasta so each bite is a lovely explosion of flavourful sauce. But pipe rigate isn’t a must. Feel free to use any type of pasta you have on hand. If you don’t have pasta, use noodles. Go for it.

Under the current circumstances, rules are meaningless. Make the most of what you have on hand!

Another thing I realised is that this recipe would be wonderful in a packed lunchbox. Because the sauce isn’t actually cooked, this pasta tastes great warm or cold. So, save this recipe to also use whenever it is that we all leave our houses to go to school, college or work with packed lunches.

Until then, make sure to give it a try anyway, because this is also the perfect (generous) single-serve pasta recipe. No more worries about measuring out uncooked pasta, because I got you! Read on and see for yourself.



Serves: 1


  • Pipe Rigate* – 100g

  • Avocado – 1 large

  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves

  • Lemon – 1/2, juiced

  • Olive oil – 1/2 tbsp

  • Basil* – 8-10 leaves, fresh

  • Parmesan* – grated, to taste (optional)

  • Salt* – to taste

  • Pepper – to taste


  1. Cook your pasta in boiling water that is heavily salted till al dente, according to your package instructions. I boiled mine for just under 5 minutes since it was just a single serving.

  2. Drain your pasta, but reserve 1/2 cup of the cooking water. The starchy pasta water is great mixed with the sauce and adds to the creamy texture.

  3. Toss your cooked pasta with a little bit of olive oil to prevent it from sticking.

  4. Cut and scoop out the avocado. Mash lightly. Add to a blender along with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Blend till it forms a smooth paste. Add your reserved pasta water and blend again.

  5. Toss this sauce together with the warm pasta. Mix in the basil, sliced into thin strips.

  6. Season this with salt and pepper. Top with Parmesan and more basil.




  1. Depending on what kind of pasta you’re using, find out how to measure an accurate single serving here.

  2. Fresh basil is preferred, but can be substituted with dried basil or any other dried herbs as well.

  3. Any other cheese can be used, including a vegan alternative. You can also choose to leave the cheese out. The pasta is sufficiently creamy without it!

  4. To ensure that your pasta tastes good, the water it is boiled in should be generously salty. Think seawater to determine the quantity of salt to be added. When adding salt to the pasta once it is mixed with sauce, use discretion and season according to taste.

  5. If you want to make this recipe healthier, spinach can be added while blending the sauce. Fresh tomato slices can also be mixed in as a garnish.


Give this recipe a go, and let me know what you think in the comments below!

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